Lodaer Img

Water, Sanitation and Wastewater Construction

Water & Wastewater: Overview and Descriptions

We understand the unique challenges of completing complex construction activities at operating plants and new sites and have the expertise to manage them. Whether procured through traditional design-bid-build or integrated delivery methods, projects benefit from our in-depth planning, collaborative approach and dedicated team of employee-owners who are experts at driving projects forward at the right pace.

MERIT ENGINEERING is continuous committed to provide public health solutions through development of designs, supply, installations, constructions, operations, Maintenance and supervisions of the Pipelines, Stormwater systems, Bulk water supply, Bulk sewage Systems, Treatment work, Agriculture/Irrigation, Utility supervision, Pumps supply installations and Hydraulic structures

Explore our Key Considerations on these Projects

To ensuring water, sanitation and wastewater projects meet local, national, and international standards and regulations for water quality, wastewater treatment, and environmental protection, we consider the following items:-

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Community Involvement
  • Sustainability and Resilience
  • Cost and Funding
  • Quality Assurance & Quality Control
Water Supply Projects
WASH Projects
Wastewater Projects